It was announced at the Mena School Board meeting that the Louise Durham Elementary construction project had finished $22,723.13 under budget. Phil Jones and Scott Stokenberry representing C.R. Crawford Construction presented Superintendent Benny Weston with a check for that amount Tuesday night. Meal prices for the 2019-2020 school year will increase .10 cents across the board for students in the coming school year. The prices will be $2.75 for lunch & $1.70 for breakfast. Adult prices will be $3.70 for lunch and $2.35 for breakfast. The board heard a maintenance report from Danny Minton on district facilities and the plans for summer facilities upgrades. The purchase of a new carpet cleaning machine & the purchase of a new bus also met with approval from the board. Jeanne Smith gave a report on the first year of the Polk County Virtual Academy. Enrollment for PCVA will be extended to 50 students for the 2019-2020 school year. The District Administrative PLC Team led by Paulette Sherrer presented their focus that has come from recent parent and staff surveys along with Leading a High Reliability School book study. The 2019-2020 emphasis for the district will be on striving for excellence through a guaranteed & viable curriculum in each classroom. The principals as Academic Leaders of each building gave their support of this PLC process and the commitment to excellence and equity they have for all students. The board voted to extend a one month contract to new Mena High School Principal David Maxwell for the month of June so that he may begin on Monday, June 3rd. The Mena School Board accepted the resignation of Lori Lyle & Jordan Poole. Transfers approved included Susan McKeever to Pre-K Para Professional at LDE & Heather Goss to the Jr. High Girls Basketball Coaching position. Janet Batten requested her resignation be rescinded & the board approved. Two new hires who will join the district next year are Jessica McAnulty as the K-5 elementary music teacher and Malani Vega as a Pre-K Para Professional at LDE.
May 30, 2019