The Mena Future Farmers of America held their annual banquet on Tuesday at the Ouachita Center. Awards and scholarship recipients were announced.
Star Discovery Award- Ryan Walston
Star Greenhand Award- Brenlei Mirus, Halee Hoobler, Chandler Dover
Star Chapter FFA Award- Claire Walston, Lacy Floyd, Kiylee Hughes
Redlands Community College Livestock Judging- Claire Walston
Polk Co Farm Bureau- Claire Walston,Case Wiles, Lacy Floyd, Rylee Wiles
Chris Jones Memorial- Claire Walston
Rich Mountain Conservation District- Claire Walston, Lacy Floyd
Jerin Ferguson Memorial- Kiylee Hughes
UARM Livestock Judging- Lacy Floyd
U of A Cossatot Trap Shooting- Luke Floyd
Master Gardeners- Claire Walston
Mena FFA Alumni Collins Scholarship- Claire Walston
Mena FFA Alumni Duckett Scholarship- Lacy Floyd, Kiylee Hughes
Mena FFA Alumni Scholarship- Kassidy Valdez, Luke Floyd