
Tuesday, May 18, 10 a.m. – 12 noon MHS Bus Loop

Drive-thru from 10 a.m. – 12 noon in the MHS bus loop to pay for your cords and stoles. Exact change or a check made to MHS will be required. We will be emailing a list of names with awards and prices Tuesday morning. Completer cords are $5 ea. UARM cords are $10 ea. All Honors Stoles are $20 ea. Distinguished Honors Cords are $10 ea.

Wednesday, May 19, 8:30 a.m.
MHS Completer/Scholarship/Honors/Academic Assembly (PAC). Please dress nice for this assembly. Completers/Honors/High Honors/Distinguished Honors will be announced along with Scholarships. Cords and Stoles will be handed out at the Assembly.
Immediately following the Awards Ceremony, All seniors will “Walk-Out” together through the hallway one last time with the student body and faculty lining the hallway. All seniors that wish to participate will meet back at High School parking lot at 1:00 p.m.
with their Cap & Gown to load buses to “Walk Through” our two elementary campuses. We should be finished with this before 2:30.

Thursday, May 20 1:00 p.m. Calls will be made to parents to those who will not graduate. Options for completion of diploma requirements will be mailed as well.

Friday, May, 21 9:00 a.m.
Graduation Practice begins at 9:00 a.m. Park in the MMS parking lot and meet in the MHS Safe Room. You must attend practice if you are walking at graduation. Report Cards will be distributed at graduation practice. All fines must be cleared up and Chromebooks must be returned before you may participate in the ceremony.
Transcripts will not be released until all fines are paid. If you have lunch money left in your account, it will either be transferred to your siblings account or returned to your guardian by check. If it is a small amount, you may donate it to Feed-a-Bearcat if you


Extras will be available if you choose not to follow instructions.

Saturday, May 22 Commencement
Report for ceremony at 9:00 a.m. Park in MMS parking lot and meet in MHS Safe Room.

The request to mail transcripts and immunization records need to be turned in by May 19 th . They will be mailed by the end of the month. If you are taking any college courses at the UARM campus that are not during your school day hours, you are responsible for getting your college transcripts to the college you are attending
and to the high school.