
Mena Public Schools will be using AMI days for Tuesday and Wednesday, January 18th and 19th.

The latest COVID spread has taken its toll on our schools and the extended weekend did not help our number of staff absences. Currently, we are only able to cover 59% of the adult absences for Tuesday and Wednesday. On Friday afternoon, all of our campuses except for Holly Harshman had a full 1/3 of their students absent due to illness or being quarantined as a close contact. Mrs. Bunch is still getting calls today and has not finished entering all of the new names to the list of quarantined and isolated. We've looked at the numbers that have been reported today and last week and anticipate more teachers and staff being able to return to school on Thursday the 20th to resume normal classes. It is very important that students and staff keep distant from each other so illness does not spread and we may return to our normal schedule on Thursday. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and cooperation and we continue to adjust to the situation.