
The Meeting began with the Superintendent’s Report and Dr. Lee Smith immediately recognized Louise Durham Elementary Principal Samantha Sellers and thanked her for hosting the meeting. Sellers welcomed the board and invited them to stay after the meeting to view several student projects.

Dr. Smith then informed the board that  The Mena Public Schools had received a total of $8,981.14 in donations toward the elimination of unpaid meal charges. A total of  199 students were helped by these donations. Louise Durham, Holly Harshman, and Mena Middle School had all accounts that owed taken care of. Most who donated wished to remain anonymous but Smith did offer a special thanks to Arvest Bank for donating $1800.00 toward unpaid meal charges.

Smith then asked Assistant Superintendent Bridget Buckley to update the board on academics. She stated 

Students in K-5 have completed part of their Middle of Year assessments with DIBELS and 3-5 have completed their STAR assessments. K-2 will complete their NWEA assessments in January. 

In Reading, every student in K-5 showed growth! Average growth for the semester ranges from 51 points to 83 points with the overall average being 62 points. 60 points of growth moves students from one level to the next. An average of 62 points growth means as a whole, our students in K-5 pushed from one level to the next. Excellent growth! Highest growth in reading is in Kinder and 4th grade.

In math, 3rd through 5th grade had an average growth increase of 35 points and “7 months” of growth in this semester across the three grades. 

Teachers in 6-12 have implemented a strategic intervention schedule for working with students. In the fall semester:

Content Area

# Students In Intervention

# Students Showing Growth

###p#< of Students Showing Growth

Next Steps





Students will STAR test in January. Summative ATLAS assessment is in April. 





In January all students will complete an oral reading fluency and comprehension check. Summative ATLAS assessment in April.





Students will take the second science interim in February and the summative ATLAS in April.

Students in 3rd grade through Biology completed the first round of ATLAS Interim Science assessment. That assessment did not generate a lot of data, but we do know that overall, our students scored above the state average. Highlights include 6th grade at 6 points above the state average and 8th grade at 5 points above the state average. 

Smith then gave a brief overview of the Leaders in Literacy program. This program is intended to get superintendents across the state more familiar with the science of reading to improve the implementation of scientifically proven methods of reading instruction.

Next Smith asked the board to approve the transfer of four paraprofessionals to teacher apprentices. These individuals are a part of the district’s partnership with the REACH program and this is the next step for them towards becoming certified teachers. The board approved.

Finally, Smith announced the arrival of two new trip buses into the district's fleet that were ordered last school year.

The board moved on to new business and quickly approved an adjustment to the classified salary schedule. Under the guidelines of the program, a teacher apprentice must be paid a minimum of $15.00 per hour and that was the amount approved.

Next was a Title I change involving the Bailey Group. The district currently contracts with the Bailey Group for professional development at Louise Durham and Holly Harshman through a grant from the DeQueen-Mena Educational Cooperative. The board voted to designate unused funds to contract with them for additional PD in the rest of the district’s campuses.

The board then approved the addition of two new community service partners: the Mena Youth Basketball Association and the Mena Youth Football Association. Being a community partner allows Mena students to earn community service hours, at your facility or event, that are needed for graduation.

The next agenda item was the purchase of new band uniforms. Dr. Smith told the board that the current uniforms had been in service for ten years and that the band boosters had raised half of the cost of new uniforms. The board approved an expenditure of $18,506.00 toward the purchase of the uniforms.

District Maintenance Supervisor Danny Minton then addressed the board with a facilities update. He stated that contractors had poured 175 yards of concrete on Monday at the Hensley Activity Center with more scheduled for Friday. He also said that work on the new awning at Louise Durham Elementary is expected to begin over the Christmas break. The board also approved a resolution to the facilities master plan noting changes after the beginning of recent projects. 

Next, the board approved a statement of assurance regarding school safety experts. The Mena School District currently has three individuals undergoing training through the Arkansas Center for School Safety.

The board then approved the most recent financial report with Smith noting that revenue outpaced expenses in the past month.

Finally, in personnel, the board accepted the resignation of:

Tima Hansard - MMS Principal Secretary

Maranda Cash - MHS 9th grade English

The board accepted the retirement of:

Sherma Peters - LDE paraprofessional

The board approved the transfer of:

Candace Thompson to MMS Principal Secretary

Jamie Copelin to full-time LDE Dyslexia Paraprofessional

Jamie Grogan to registered apprentice teacher

Stacy Green to registered apprentice teacher

LaShea Holder to registered apprentice teacher

Jordan Trinidad to registered apprentice teacher

The board also approved the hiring of:

Terri Harrison - MMS Office Secretary

Tamara Fields - MHS 9th grade English

Jaelyn Tolleson - MMS paraprofessional