A message from Mena Public School Superintendent Benny Weston!

Dear Parent,

We are closely monitoring the Novel (new) Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) internationally, and are working in coordination with the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) and Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to monitor the situation in Arkansas. There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Mena School District at this time. 

ADH is currently monitoring travelers who have returned within the last 14 days from countries with sustained community transmission. As of February 28, the affected countries are China, South Korea, Italy, Iran, and Japan. 

The Mena School District is working with ADH and DESE to identify students and staff that may have traveled from the affected countries, and will collaborate with ADH in the event any such students or staff are identified. 

Travelers from affected countries are advised to stay at home and monitor for symptoms until 14 days have passed from their departure from that country, while limiting interaction with others. Once 14 days have passed without any symptoms of illness, the Centers for Disease Control recommends these travelers can be allowed to return to school and public activities.

At this time, Mena Public Schools is not at risk. However, we continue to take precautions to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, and other viruses including the flu and common cold, which include:

  • Routinely cleaning and disinfecting the school, school buses, and other school vehicles

  • Encouraging staff and students to wash their hands frequently with soap and water

  • Ensuring that bathrooms are adequately furnished with soap

You can also help prevent the spread of viruses by encouraging your student to:

  • Stay home when they are sick

  • Frequently wash their hands with soap and water

  • Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing by using their elbow or mask

Student wellness is a top priority at Mena Public Schools and we truly appreciate your help to keep our students healthy.


Benny Weston 


Mena School District