The Mena School Board held their regular September meeting on Tuesday at the District Administration Building.
Dr. Lee Smith began the meeting by giving the board details about the proposed budget for fiscal year 2023.Smith stated that overall it was a healthy budget that included raises for all staff that would amount to $175,000 - $200,000. He also said that enrollment at the Mena Public Schools was up to 1751 students. That is an increase of 52 students over last year. Dr. Smith also noted that the October school board meeting would be moved to Monday the 17th due to a scheduling conflict.
The first item under new business was the approval of the previously mentioned budget. Which was accomplished promptly and with no discussion.
Next the board approved the 2022-2023 standard of assurance and also the accreditation statement of assurance as required by the state.
The board then approved the renewal of the Polk County Virtual Academy with minor changes in the mission and vision as proposed by Dr. Smith.
The board was then made aware of an appraisal on 6.5 acres owned by the district on East Boundary Road. The appraisal came in at $10,000.00 an acre and the board approved the sale of said property in that amount. The property is not being used at this time nor is it in any plans to be used in the future.
Next was a proposed waiver of employment for a candidate who had a deficiency in their background check when applying with Aramark. The incident occured twenty four years ago and the applicant supplied numerous character references. It was determined that the applicant poses no threat to either students or staff and the waiver was approved by the board. It will now be reviewed by the state for their approval.
In the Maintenance update Dr. Smith told the board that work continues on the drainage issue under the home stands at Bob Carver Bearcat Stadium.
The project includes paving and a larger pump installed. He also updated the board on progress at the new environmental science area.
Finally in Personnel the board accepted the resignations of Monica Belcher, Raegan Hansard and Mallory McConnell. They accepted the retirement of Dalynne Randolph. They also approved the hiring of Emily Jacobs as a Para at MMS, Amanda Hohmann as a Para at MHS and Melody Rowe as a Para at LDE.