
The Mena School Board meeting for February was held on Tuesday in the district administration building.

As usual the meeting began with the superintendent’s report. Dr. Lee Smith stated that according to the latest assessment 67% of the student body is currently reading at grade level. That is above the district’s goal of 60%. Discipline reports remain at 20% less than previous years & attendance is at 92.5%.

Smith then updated the board on Arkansas LEARNS , Governor Sanders Education Plan & said he expects to have details by the end of the week.

Finally Smith spoke on the concession and activity center construction projects. Since construction cost on both the projects came in grossly high he suggested that each be re-evaluated. After much discussion the board agreed and Smith said he would have an update at the March meeting.

On to new business the board quickly approved the renewal of the workers compensation insurance 

They also approved the school calendar for 2023-2024. Calendar #2 was preferred by 85% of district employees and that was the one approved by the board.

Next district maintenance supervisor Danny Minton gave an update on projects. The shot clocks at Jim rackley Gymnasium have been installed. Work continues on the one key system and construction on an awning at Louise Durham from the gym to the cafeteria will begin soon.

The board then approved the HVAC maintenance contract at MHS and LDE with Harrison Energy Partners.

They also approved the purchase of two new trip busses at a cost of $121,000 each. An EPA Grant has been received in the amount of $30,000 each that will help defray the cost.

The March board meeting would have fell during the week of spring break so it was moved to Monday, March 27th.

Next on the agenda was the approval of the financial report. Dr. Smith told the board that the district had revenue for the month that was $571,000 over expenses and that projections looked good for the remainder of the year.